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Best Mouthwash for Kids

Sep 25, 2019

What should I look for when purchasing a mouthwash?

All mouthwashes that have been approved by the FDA for distribution are safe for children and adults, and in most cases, the packaging is the biggest difference between them. But there are a few ingredients to consider when selecting a mouthwash for your child (and yourself).

Alcohol-free Mouthwashes

Alcohol-free mouthwashes tend to be more palatable for children because they do not cause the burning sensation of ethanol/eucalyptol/methanol. More dental professionals are encouraging all their patients, children and adults, to go alcohol-free with their mouthwash in order to improve their compliance with daily rinses.

Disclosing Rinses

Disclosing rinses, like Listerine Smart Rinse, will actually stain the plaque on a child’s teeth and help them learn to clean their teeth more effectively. This is a very helpful tool when learning how to brush and floss well since you aren’t done until all the plaque is gone.


Lastly, the fluoride concentration of every mouthwash brand is clearly printed on the Drug Facts – Active Ingredients label. Most concentrations will be at 0.02% sodium fluoride, which is about 1/10th the concentration of the average toothpaste’s sodium fluoride. Many people worry about getting too much fluoride exposure by adding a mouthwash, but the risk is very low with such a low concentration.

The reason that fluoridated mouthwash is so beneficial is that it gets to the places between teeth and in deeper grooves that toothpaste cannot. The added protection of a fluoride mouthwash can help prevent the early childhood decay that can impact oral health for a lifetime.

When should kids start using mouthwash?

As soon as a child understands how to safely swish with a mouthwash and spit it out. Ages for this will vary, but generally, kids learn how to do this consistently around 6 years old. Always monitor your child to be sure they are not drinking their mouthwash!

Is it actually important for them to use it?

Fluoridated mouthwash is very important to help protect tooth enamel from decay, particularly the type of damage that occurs from sugar exposure.

Is there flavored mouthwash for kids?

There are several flavors available, with bubble gum, berry, and mint being the most popular. Find the one that your child enjoys the most, but be sure to never let them swallow it.

Is it dangerous for kids to use mouthwash?

Mouthwash is only dangerous if ingested by a person in high doses. For little ones, swallowing a mouthful of mouthwash can make them sick to their stomach. It’s always important to verify they are spitting it out every time.

How often should my kid use mouthwash?

Daily rinses are important to build good hygiene routines for children, along with brushing and flossing.

How do I teach my kid to use mouthwash?

Practice swishing and spitting with water several times before trying a new mouthwash. Then only do small amounts of mouthwash until the skill is mastered. Children may be very tempted to drink the appealing new flavors, so be sure to reinforce the importance of spitting it all out again. Reminding them that they could get sick or that they won’t be allowed to have any more if they swallow it usually helps encourage kids to use mouthwash properly.

Contact Us for Recommendations

Daily rinses with mouthwash, brushing, and flossing are all just part of a normal oral health routine for your child. Be sure to take them into their dentist at least once every six months.

Our expert dentists will be able to recommend the best mouthwash for your child as well as address their overall oral health. Contact us to book your child’s appointment.

Buy Kid’s Mouthwash Online

Below are links to purchase some of the top kid’s mouthwash brands on Amazon.

ACT Kids Mouthwash Variety Pack

Colgate Kids Mouthwash

Listerine Smart Rinse Kids Mouthwash

Spry Kid’s Mouthwash

TheraBreath Kids Oral Rinse

Solimo Kids Fluoride Rinse

For informational purposes only.