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FAQs About Botox for TMJ Pain Relief

FAQs About Botox for TMJ Pain Relief

March 8, 2024

What Is TMJ? TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint, which is the joint connecting your jawbone to your skull. This joint, located on each side of your head in front of your ears, allows your jaw to open and close, enabling you to talk, chew, and yawn. TMJ disorders (TMD) can cause pain in your jaw …

How Does Invisalign Work?

How Does Invisalign Work?

September 25, 2023

Invisalign began gaining popularity in the early 2000s as a way to get straighter teeth without having to go through the hassle of braces. Since its marketing began in the early 2000s, more and more people have been using Invisalign. But what, exactly, is Invisalign and how does it work? What Is Invisalign? Invisalign is …

Electric vs. Manual Toothbrush: Which Is Best for Me?

Electric vs. Manual Toothbrush: Which Is Best for Me?

September 11, 2023

There have never been as many toothbrush choices as there are in today’s age. With so many brands, types, and sizes, it can become overwhelming to decide what’s best to use. While we can’t help you decide what color toothbrush best matches your bathroom decor, we can help you narrow down your choice. Here, we’ll …